Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What you need to know about buying a used RV

The number one thing to watch out for on used Recreational Vehicles is water damage or leak issues. Water damage in RV units is very costly to repair and can be difficult to detect. We see many RV buyers getting caught up in floor plans and upholstery colours that they lose site of this fact. We find that many of the units available privately have been sitting and ignored for some time and this is the reason they are put up for sale. The current owner is not using it any longer and has lost interest in it. Most of the seasoned RV’ers that use their unit frequently rarely have their unit for sale. They usually will trade theirs in for their next unit. People that are unfamiliar with RV’s should have a reliable technician inspect a unit before they purchase it. Did you know it is recommended to have a RV’s seals inspected two times a year. Leak issues aside there are many other things to consider when purchasing a used RV. A good look into the 12 volt system. Are the batteries good? Is the system charging? Do the propane appliances work? Are they up to current propane codes? Has the propane system been certified? Have the wheel bearings and brakes been checked? It is not unusual for a RV Dealership to spend $1500 servicing a used travel trailer and $2500 for a motor home.
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